Monday, June 11, 2012

Rant No 01- The Name of this Fokking blog.

     Let it be know to all nations, tongues and kindreds that I am not a fan of those Ben Stiller movies.  I saw the 1st one years ago, and that was enough.  This blog will have no relation to those films.  They spell it 'Focker' anyway. 

     I am new to the blogotubes, and I'm learning as I go here.  I have been taken under the wing of a charming and fabulous yet mysterious and anonymous benefactor, and I am  sub-letting her spare domain name.  She 'owns' the Apostate Fokker name.  I am just lucky enough to have a place to stumble around the interblogs and I am truly Thankful to her for this opportunity. 

     The problem is this, the nasty old landlady of this blog stuck me with this name.   (Apostate Fokker, it sounds like some lame church superhero: "You apostates better look out, or the Apostate Fokker will get you!"  Or maybe some kind of kinky ex-mormon, S&M swinger site.)  Now she won't let me change it.  I hate her!!  Oh sure, she passes off  the blame to some lame, old story about how her hands are tied by trademarked, copywrited legalese, but I know she just secretly wants to offend those earnest seekers of truth who come to my blog to be inspired and enlightened by my heartwarming stories about grandmas making quilts and fluffy kittens by shocking them with such crude language.  I vow to destroy her.

What shall I do?
File:RoteBaron.JPG     I shall  rise above the pseudo-pottyword and embrace the reference to the Red Baron's Plane, the Fokker Dr.I.   Like Baron von Richthofen, I will take to the air and rain down fire from the skies upon all those who dare to oppose me.  The Evil Landlady will taste the cold steel of my  Spandau MG08s. 

     I'm sure the kind, anonymous benefactor would spring for a plane, she's cool like that.

     So, just in case you were getting prepared to  get all huffy because your dirty mind  can't read Fokker without thinking of what Ralphie Parker refers to as "the queen-mother of dirty words,"  You can relax.  It's just a plane.  There will be no fokking profanity here.  Well, maybe a little tiny bit.  Mostly in the rants.  But it will be very tastefully used in a colorful and colloquial way to provide emphasis,  hammer home points and to piss off uptight Fokkers.

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